Sound Bath Feedback FormYour Name*Email Cell PhoneQuestions and Feedback:1. Terry is welcome to use my feedback for marketing purposes: Yes No 2. I was able to let go and relax during the sound bath? Yes No 3. I didn’t mind doing a sound bath virtually? Yes No 4. On a scale of 1 to 5, how was your stress level before the sound bath?5. On a scale of 1 to 5 what was your stress level or anxiety after the sound bath?6. I would do a sound bath again: (Please check) Not for me Maybe Probably Yes 7. If you answered Yes or Probably above, how often would you use sound or a sound bath for meditation, sleep or to calm down? (please put a check next to the answer that feels most accurate for you: Daily Weekly Probably Occasionally as Needed 8. I would like to know about your upcoming classes: Yes No (If you answered Yes, please make sure you add your email address so Terry can add you to her mailing list).9. In your own words, please tell Terry what you liked best about the sound bath? Δ